Posted on 2/19/2025

Here are the top warning signs that indicate it’s time for new tires: 1. Balding Tread Tread depth is essential for traction, especially in wet or slippery conditions. If your tread is worn down, your tires lose their grip, increasing the likelihood of hydroplaning or skidding. A simple way to check tread depth is the penny test—insert a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head facing down. If you can see all of his head, your tread is too low, and it’s time to replace your tires. 2. Uneven Wear Patterns If you notice one side of your tire is more worn than the other, it could indicate alignment issues, improper inflation, or suspension problems. Uneven wear reduces your tires’ effectiveness and could lead to premature failure. Regular tire rotations and alignment checks can help prevent this issue, but replacing the tires is the safest option if the damage is already significant. 3. Cracks or Bulges in the Sidewall Over time, exposure to the element ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2024

As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, it’s time to prepare your vehicle for the demands of winter. Cold weather can be harsh on your car, but with some preparation, you can avoid breakdowns and ensure your ride is reliable no matter the forecast. Here's a checklist of tips to help you keep your vehicle in top shape for the colder months ahead. 1. Check Your Battery Cold weather can drain your battery quickly, especially if it's already a few years old. Before winter hits, have your battery tested to ensure it's strong enough to handle the chill. If it's weak, consider replacing it now to avoid being stranded in subzero temperatures. Also, clean any corrosion from the terminals and check the battery cables for tight connections. 2. Inspect Your Tires Your tires are crucial for traction on icy or snow-covered roads, so it's essential to check their condition before the first freeze. Make sure your tires have suffi ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2022
Keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows cause aerodynamic drag. But, operating the air conditioner on the maximum level can reduce your mpg by 5% to 25%, compared to not using it. Also, try to park your car in the shade so you won't have to keep the AC working as hard. Properly inflated tires are safer, lasts longer, and improve your gas mileage by more than 3% per tire. Slow down! Although vehicles reach their optimal fuel economy at different speeds, gas mileage usually decreases over 60 mph. Try to drive at a constant speed—both acceleration and deceleration waste fuel. Use cruise control when possible. The car's cruise control system's minor, more precise adjustments will keep your speed constant and save you fuel. Wax your car and keep it clean. This will reduce aerodynamic drag, thus providing better mileage. A clean air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as10%. Perform routine maintenance
Posted on 10/25/2021

We have been blessed over the years to meet a group of very remarkable people. Life has thrown them some curves, but instead of giving up, they work day in and day out to make a better life for themselves, their families, and others. Great organizations are also part of their story; churches and nonprofits have helped us connect and make Wheels 2 Hope a reality. A year ago, we were lucky to be introduced to a young man trying to attend school. He needed a vehicle to get back and forth from work and school. We were so happy to hear he completed his classes and obtained a job. At his point, he no longer needed the vehicle we had given to him through Wheels 2 Hope, so he returned it so someone else could move forward with their life. Now, the vehicle has moved on to a single mom and her son. We are so pleased to be able to provide them with a car. Thank you to NAPA for providing all the parts needed to complete the service and maintenance of the vehicle. Thank you to the connections tha ... read more
Posted on 8/10/2020

Summer is the main season for “cone zones,” road construction where you will likely hit a bump or two, or come across loose stones and other hazards. These rough road conditions can be tough on a vehicle’s steering and suspension system and can throw out the alignment, while loose stones have the potential to damage the vehicle’s exterior or windshield, according to the non-profit Car Care Council. “Even the most careful motorist, who is driving slowly and carefully through road construction, is bound to hit an unexpected bump or other road hazards,” said Nathan Perrine, executive director, Car Care Council. “Be sure to pay attention to your car and if you think there’s a problem, have it taken care of as soon as possible.” The main symptoms of steering and suspension or wheel alignment problems are uneven tire wear, pulling to one side, noise and vibration while cornering or loss of control. The council recommends ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2019

You may all know Leo Murry as a great mechanic, business owner, awesome father, and husband, but did you know he is also a beekeeper? A few years ago, Leo’s son, Hudson, needed to write an essay for a school project. Hudson is homeschooled, and his mom is his teacher. Hudson thought beekeeping might be a fun subject to explore, so they headed to Bee Fun Days. His essay was entered into a contest, and it was so good, he won the prize! The prize was a Langstroth Hive, which was patented in 1952 by Pastor Langstroth. Hudson also won tools, a colony of 5,000 bees, and a queen bee! What started as his son’s school project has now become a passion for Leo and his wife, Sara. Because he is a beekeeper, Leo has been stung plenty of times, but he has not let the stings deter him. They have had four hives, and each hive has been considered a colony with up to 15,000 bees and a queen in each one. Every hive can generate up to 70 pounds of honey! That’s a lot of honey. Leo and S ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2019

When asked, most people think they are good at multi-tasking. Scientific studies, however, reveal that only around 2% of the population can truly demonstrate the capacity to effectively multi-task. For the rest of us who are not so biologically wired, no amount of practice can increase our effectiveness at multi-tasking. Turns out, multi-tasking is almost a superpower. Think of fighter pilots: capable of maintaining their orientation in three-dimensional space and performing specific and highly complicated functions while accessing life-threatening situations and coming up with an appropriate response. Admit it – you can’t do that. When it comes to driving, we seem to think we are very capable of safely operating a motor vehicle with a myriad of distractions. 77% of young adults feel somewhat confident that they can safely text and drive while 55% claim ... read more
Posted on 3/25/2019

We've all heard a car or truck in our Olathe and Gardner neighborhoods that needs a new muffler. But there's more to the exhaust system than just the muffler. Exhaust gas is poisonous. You don't want it getting into the passenger compartment. For example, carbon monoxide can be deadly. That's why you should never run your engine in a closed garage. If you have a leak in the exhaust system, exhaust could get into the passenger cabin and make you sick or even kill you. If you smell exhaust in the vehicle, roll down your windows and get it inspected. You may smell or see exhaust coming from the engine compartment or under the vehicle if you have a leak. Sometimes the sound from an exhaust leak is loud and obvious. Sometimes it's a ticking sound when you start the engine that goes away as you drive. That could be a small crack or a bad fitting that leaks when it's cold but seals up when the metal heats and expands. Now, let's address the environm ... read more
Posted on 7/26/2018
So what's the most distracting food in the car? Is it: (A) A Hamburger (B) Coffee (C) A Soft Drink (D) Twizzlers Well, all but the licorice make the top ten, but coffee's the number one food distraction. These distractions cause 25% of all car crashes, over a million and a half each year. All the top ten distracting food items are messy. Motorists might spill, then try to clean up. If you've got to eat on the run, take five, then drive. And keep drinks in spill-proof containers. So taking a food break… Or filling out accident reports. It's a no-brainer. We want Gardner, Olathe and all drivers to keep their eyes, and their minds, on the road
Posted on 1/10/2018
Bret’s Autoworks made the New Year a bit brighter for a local family, donating a van to the family with the assistance of the Southwest Johnson County Multi-Service Center. Smiles, laughter and a few tears filled the afternoon as the family was handed the keys to their van. “I am proud to be part of a community that truly takes care of one another. This was combined effort of Bret’s, the wonderful staff at the Multi-Service Center,” says Leo Murry co-owner of Bret’s, "and to Gardner Napa Auto Parts for parts donations on the van". The family drove away with a new sense of freedom because they now have a vehicle to call their own! “This is a great family, we were so happy to donate the van. Thanks to the Multi-Service Center for introducing us and providing the opportunity to help”, states Shawn Fischer co-owner of Bret’s Autoworks