Posted on 10/25/2021

We have been blessed over the years to meet a group of very remarkable people. Life has thrown them some curves, but instead of giving up, they work day in and day out to make a better life for themselves, their families, and others. Great organizations are also part of their story; churches and nonprofits have helped us connect and make Wheels 2 Hope a reality. A year ago, we were lucky to be introduced to a young man trying to attend school. He needed a vehicle to get back and forth from work and school. We were so happy to hear he completed his classes and obtained a job. At his point, he no longer needed the vehicle we had given to him through Wheels 2 Hope, so he returned it so someone else could move forward with their life. Now, the vehicle has moved on to a single mom and her son. We are so pleased to be able to provide them with a car. Thank you to NAPA for providing all the parts needed to complete the service and maintenance of the vehicle. Thank you to the connections tha ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2018
Bret’s Autoworks made the New Year a bit brighter for a local family, donating a van to the family with the assistance of the Southwest Johnson County Multi-Service Center. Smiles, laughter and a few tears filled the afternoon as the family was handed the keys to their van. “I am proud to be part of a community that truly takes care of one another. This was combined effort of Bret’s, the wonderful staff at the Multi-Service Center,” says Leo Murry co-owner of Bret’s, "and to Gardner Napa Auto Parts for parts donations on the van". The family drove away with a new sense of freedom because they now have a vehicle to call their own! “This is a great family, we were so happy to donate the van. Thanks to the Multi-Service Center for introducing us and providing the opportunity to help”, states Shawn Fischer co-owner of Bret’s Autoworks